I was so happy and fortunate to spend an amazing weekend in Idaho with my best friend who was getting married to an amazing girl, Emilie. My only problem was that I got way too caught up in the festivities that I didn't get to capture the wedding itself. But of course we were able to grab some amazing shots when we spent the morning in Jackson, Wyoming. We left at 5:30am to grab the best breakfast burrito I have ever had. Eric had been talking it up for a few days, and we all had high expectations. But of course it lived up to its billing. So if you are in Jackson and looking for breakfast you have to check out DOG. But before we even made it to the burrito place, as we were driving down the pass we passed the biggest moose in the entire world. No joke... the biggest ever to roam the earth. As we turned around to try and grab a photo it majestically bounded up the mountain eluding all of our cameras. You will have to take our word for it, but it was the absolute biggest moose the planet has ever seen. While the shots below don't show this mammoth moose, they do show one amazing morning!
I love this shot of Brent, Eric and Mason strolling along the river.
We had to be very careful of the dangerous wildlife. After the extremely close run-in with the wild and dangerous moose, Mason came vitally close to loosing his life by tempting fate. He tried to capture the 'shot of the day' by putting his own life on the line, and getting too close to this man eater.
This is the customary Eric shot.
Not only were we evading the life threatening wildife in WY, but we were tempting fate by trying to capture the perfect takeoff shot from the Jackson Airport. We were being followed by homeland security after we spent a good 20 minutes taking pictures of all the planes taking off.
This is Mason... enjoying some pear brew.
Thank you all for an amazing weekend!